Naše hygienické standardy

Vaše bezpečí je naší prioritou. Přečtěte si o tom, co děláme, abychom vám jej zajistili.

Hygiena pro nás jako hotel byla vždy velice důležitá. Za současné situace jsme museli zavést opatření, která vás udrží v bezpečí. Přečtěte si o nich níže:

Czech Christmas traditions

Find more about the typical czech Christmas!

As Christmas is coming, we would like to introduce to you some of the typical Czech traditions. I hope you will like them and perhaps some of them you will even try.

Few tips for good food

Taste the real feeling of Prague

Are you a food lover and like to experience the local cuisine? Or are you already in Prague and just in need to find a good tip for a restaurant? Then keep in reading because this article can be exactly what you are looking for!

A few places to go if you are first time in Prague

Enjoy the remarkable monuments of this charming city

Is this your first time in Prague and you have no idea where to go apart from the most famous monuments such as Prague castle or Oldtown square? Here are a few more tips about where to go! Under each item, you may find a link leading where is more information. Enjoy the reading and I hope this article will inspire you to visit some of the mentioned places!